Cribbage Scoring: Guide on How To Score in Cribbage

Cribbage is a popular card game in the list of favorite card games due to its unique scoring system. The goal is to reach 121 points first before your opponent. However, there are certain combinations, moves, and other factors that will help you make a lead in the game. 

We have a “Cribbage board” to track the progress of the game. This game can be played with 2 to 3 players. However, the two-player game is a more frequently preferred variant of Cribbage. 

As per the two-player cribbage rules, both players are dealt with six cards each, and they have to discard two cards face down in the “crib.” In Cribbage, player scores depend on how you use the four cards in your hand. The scoring in cribbage takes place during pegging and counting hands. To get a clearer image of scoring in cribbage, read this blog. 

Counting Scores During a Round

In Cribbage, the scoring takes place both during pegging and counting hands. We will examine every possible method to learn how to score in cribbage.

Scoring HandPoints Awarded
A sum of Fifteen points2 points each
Make pairs 2 points each
Triple (Three cards of the same rank)6 points
Quadruple (Four cards of the same rank)12 points
Run (Sequence of 3 or more consecutive cards)1 point per card
Flush (4 cards of the same suit in hand)4 points
Flush (Hand + Starter) (5 cards of the same suit including starter)5 points
Flush (Crib) (5 cards in the crib, all of the same suit)5 points
Knobs (Jack in hand of the same suit as the starter card)1 point
Right Jack (Jack turned up as the starter card)2 points
Total of 31 points2 points
Go (Being the last to lay a card without reaching 31 points in pegging)1 point

Add Face up card values 

After the cards are dealt, you have four cards in your hand. Now, it is time to lay down cards face up on the table repeatedly. Every player must count the current total out loud whenever they put cards on the table. 

  • Number cards are worth the numerical value given on the card.
  • Each face card is worth 10 points in Caribbage
  • Ace cards are worth one point. 

You can learn more about the Cribbage game here.

Reach a total of 31 points

Players in cribbage aim to reach a total of 31 cribbage points by counting the sum of the cards played in each turn. If a player’s total score exceeds 31 points, they must lay down their cards and call “Go” to indicate they cannot reach 31 points or less with the remaining cards.

Players who lay down the last card in each sequence score a “Go,” i.e., they get two points for reaching exactly 31 cribbage points or one for any point less than the total. After the “Go,” the count begins again from zero.

You will get two extra points if you get the running total to exactly 15 points. You can move your peg by two spaces on the board. 

Get additional points for pairs or three-of-a-kind

If you make a pair in cribbage, you can move your peg two steps ahead on the board. However, if you make three of a kind, you can move 3 points. If you make four of a kind, you move by 4 points. For example, suppose your opponent puts down 5 on the table, and you follow by putting a 5. This is a “pair,” and you get two additional points.

Make a Run and Get Additional Points 

If you form a run, you can get additional points, and the best part is the points you secure depend on the length of run you manage to make. For example, if you have 3, 4, and 5 in your hand, you can make a triple run and score 3 points. Similarly, you can make quadruple, double runs, etc, and score bonus points. 

Finish when no cards are left 

The cribbage rounds get over when you and your opponent have no cards left in your hand. However, if your opponent’s cards finish before your hand, you can continue playing your round until your cards run out. 

Cribbage Points While Counting Hands 

Let us note down scoring combinations in cribbage when the game officially ends, and each player gathers hands to start counting them up.

Cribbage ScoringExamplePoints
Fifteens9, 9, 6 (9+6), 2, 54 points
Pairs9, 9, 6, 2, 52 points
Three of a Kind9, 9, 9, 2, 56 points
Four of a Kind9, 9, 9, 9, 512 points
Run of 33, 4, 53 points
Run of 46, 7, 8, 94 points
Run of 58, 9, 10, J, Q5 points
Double Run of 32, 2, 3, 48 points
Double Run of 42, 2, 3, 4, 510 points
Triple Run2, 2, 2, 3, 415 points
Double Double Run2, 2, 3, 4, 416 points
Flush (Hand)5♄, 6♄, 7♄, 8♄4 points
Flush (Hand + Starter)5♄, 6♄, 7♄, 8♄, 9♄5 points
Flush (Crib)2♠, 3♠, 4♠, 5♠, 6♠5 points
His NobsJ♩ with starter card 5♩1 point
Right JackStarter card is J♣2 points
31 for the GoCards played: 10, 7, 8, 62 points
GoLast card played to reach <31.1 point

Count your points loud

The counting starts with players to the left of the dealer. Count your points out loud so everyone can track the score. Also, include a starter card towards your hand in the count. You can maintain your scores on a Cribbage Scoring Chart to track your score. 

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Get 15 point combinations for 2 points

If during the game you can make a combination of 15, you will get 2 points. However, make sure your calculations are correct as you might lose cribbage points if you wrongly calculate 15 points combination. 

Add up runs based on their length

You can score equivalent points based on the length of run combinations you make. For example, if you have cards 4,5, and 6 in order then you might get 3 points or triple run. You can also include starter cards to make extra points from runs.

Score points from Pair and Multiples of the same rank

You can get additional points if you have two or more cards of the same number or face. For example, if you have three ace cards, you can get 3 points. Remember, you can add the starter card to get more points for each pair. 

The best happens when all four cards in your hand are from the same suit, like spades, clubs, diamonds, or hearts. You will get 4 points. Get 5 points if the starter card is also from the same suit. 

Dealers get extra points 

If you are a dealer then you can pick up the discarded card in the crib and count up in your total to get points for flushes, pairs, runs or nobs. 

Reach 121 points 

The standard cribbage board consists of 120 holes and the first person to take their peg to the last hole i,e 120 cribbage points plus one point wins the game. This is also known as “pegging out.”

Cribbage Scoring with Nobs and Nibs

Nobs and Nibs combinations can also reward you with additional points. The best way to mark them in your hand is by spotting a “jack” card. 

Nobs occur when a player has a jack with the same suit in the hand or crib. You will get 1 point while counting points in your hand. Nibs occur when the dealer flips a jack card, and the dealer is eligible to get two additional points. 

Got Questions?

How do you score in cribbage?

In cribbage scoring takes place through a combination of two or more cards forming a pair, run, three of a kind, four of a kind, Go, nobs, nibs, and plenty of others. You have to reach the last space i,e 121 points before your opponents win the game. 

What are nibs and nobs in cribbage?

Nibs are counted as two points and it occurs when the dealer flips a jack card. Nobs occur when a player has a jack card in their hand or crib scores one additional point. 

What is a run of 4 in cribbage?

A run of four cards in cribbage gets you four additional points. For example, 9, 10, J, and Q give you four points for completing a run of four. 

How does cribbage scoring work?

Each player gets two pegs and scoring is marked by the cribbage board. Players get points for making different combinations such as pair, runs, nobs, go, nibs, etc. During a running players have to reach a sum of 31 points in the game. The first player to reach 121 points is declared as a winner. 

How do you score 28 in cribbage?

The odds of making 28 points in cribbage are very rare. You can make 28 points in cribbage using four 5’s cards, with any face cards having 10 points. 

How to peg in cribbage?

Each player gets two pegs, which help them track their progress in the game. Players have to continue placing their cards on the table until the cumulative score reaches 31 points. Players get additional points for making multiplier pairs, runs, nobs, nibs, and go. The player who reaches 121 points first in the game wins. 

What is four five in cribbage?

The four five in cribbage makes a “double pair royal” equivalent to 12 points in the game. The best hand possible in cribbage i,e 29 can be made using four five hands in cribbage with the help of four five card flush, starter card, jack, and his nobs.

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Vijaya Bharti

Vijaya is a seasoned gaming writer with a postgraduate degree from Australia. Her passion for online gaming and interactive storytelling drives her compelling content on real money games, game design and culture. With over 6 years of expertise in online gaming, Vijaya brings a unique perspective to her blogs. When she's not crafting engaging pieces about the latest trends in real money gaming, you'll find her binge-watching her favorite web series. Vijaya's insightful analysis and captivating style make her a trusted voice in the gaming community.

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