Checkers is a classic board game played with two players at a time. The objective is to capture all tokens of the opponents or block them from making any moves on the board. The game is played on a standard 8×8 board with alternating black and light squares.
The checkers rules only allow the use of the black square in the gameplay. In this blog, we will learn how to play checkers with the basic rules, strategies, and variations.
Checkers Game Rules
The basic checker’s rules are easy to understand and implement during the gameplay.
- Your checkers can move diagonally in a forward direction by one square at every turn of the game.Ā
- If the space your checkers land after jumping your opponentās checker puts you in a position to jump another checker, you can make the move based on double jump in one turn. A double jump is when two consecutive jumps are made within a single turn.
- King checkers can make an additional move one space diagonally backward.
- If a player whose move it is in the game touches a piece on the board the player must move that piece or forfeit the game.
- All moves in the game are diagonal and one space forward toward your opponent’s side. King can move in diagonal direction both forward and backward direction.
- King checkers while capturing can move backward and forward in the same turn. However, this would apply only if the king is required to change direction while making a capture move.
- If a player has two or different opportunities to jump on a turn they he may take the jump he chooses in the game.
- If you jump on an opponent’s pieces then you capture it and remove it from the gameboard and place it in front of you.
- If all the squares adjacent to your checker are occupied then your checker is blocked and cannot move in any direction.
- When a checker is captured, it must be removed from the board.
- Any number of checkers that reach the opponentās side can be crowned by the player.
How to Play Checkers?

The checkers board game is played with 2 opponents in the game. Both the players will have twelve round discs like pieces. All twenty-four pieces are kept on the two sides of the 64 checkerboard (8×8), which looks very similar to the chessboard setup.
The main purpose of the checkers game is to defeat your opponent by either;
- Capturing all their tokens on the board.
- Putting them in a position where they cannot move further on the board.Ā
The player who achieves any of these per the rules of checkers game will be the winner.
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The Game Setup
Check the way checkers set up the board in the game below. The regular pieces can move diagonal spaces toward your opponent’s checkers on the board game based on the rules and basic gameplay of checkers.
- Each player starts with 12 pieces or tokens placed on the dark squares of the board in the three rows closest to the player.
- A player with black checkers makes the first move in the checkers game by default.
- Opponents face each other on the two sides of the game board.Ā
- When you play an online game you can either select 1 player or 2 players to play a single-player match against the computer.Ā
- Select the difficulty level of the game, which goes from Easy to Expert level.
- Pick a difficulty level based on your ability and expertise in the game.
- Each of the 2 players starts with 12 regular pieces on the board, arranged in three rows.Ā
- The two ranks between playersā pieces remain empty at the beginning of the game as per the checker’s rules.
Let’s quickly learn the checkers rules and gameplay. You can also check the rule and strategy sheets of the straight checkers to learn more about the games. You can get printable rules and strategy sheets from the official web page.
Movements in the Game
The capture tokens and the kings have significant moves in the game. Check some of the allowed movements as per the checkers game rules.
- An opponentās checkers can be captured if it’s one diagonal space ahead of one of your checks and the dark space beyond it is vacant.
- To learn how to play checkers, know that checkers may only move on the dark squares and in the diagonal direction.
- Checkers can only move one square in the forward and diagonal directions in the game.
- If the space your checkers land after jumping your opponentās checker puts you in a position to jump another checker, you can make a move based on a double jump in one turn. A double jump is when two consecutive jumps are made within a single turn.
- King checkers can make an additional move one space diagonally backward.
Capturing the Opponentās Checkers
Quickly check how you can capture your opponentās checkers during gameplay.
- To capture your opponent, move your piece over your opponentās piece and place it diagonally in the dark space behind it.Ā
- When a checker is captured, it must be removed from the board. You can also make moves to tempt the opponent’s checkers to remove your pieces from the board.
- If a capturing checker can capture another checker of your opponent, then it must continue doing so until it lands and can no longer capture another checker.
- If you can capture two checkers, you must choose which one to capture at a time.
- Jump to the space on the other side of the opponentās checker, which must be empty; only then can you make the move.
- If you have the empty space to jump and land on the board, you can make the move, as per the checkers’ rules.
King your Pieces
- When one of your tokens moves and reaches the other side of the board or the opponentās side, it becomes a king.Ā
- Checkers are crowned by placing one of the stacks of your captured pieces on the top to represent the crown.
- Some checkers also have crown signs at the bottom, which can be flipped when they reach the other side of the board.Ā
- .A kinged checker can move back diagonally but only one space at a time.
- King checkers, while capturing, can move backward and forward in the same turn. However, this would apply only if the king must change direction while making a capture move.
- If the opponent’s checkers are lined up next to each other on the dark squares, the king checkers can jump forward and then backward.
- Any number of checkers that reach the opponentās side can be crowned by the player.
Legal Jumps Allowed
- Regular pieces on the board can only jump diagonally in the forward direction.
- Kings can jump diagonally forward and backward one square space.
- Regular pieces and kings can be jumped by both regular pieces and kings.
- You cannot jump your own pieces in the game of checkers.
Winning in the Game
The game ends when any player achieves the following position in the game;
- Capture all checkers tokens of the opponentās on the board.
- Blocked all the opponent checkers and stopped them from making any moves on the board.
- This second method of winning is challenging and is less frequently achieved.
Checkers Gaming Strategies and Tips

When playing checkers, we must be careful about the game tactics and strategies we adopt during gameplay. Let’s learn some of the best tips for our Checkers gameplay.
- Adopt an Offensive Approach: A beginner player might avoid any direct clash with their checkerās tokens. However, being defensive will do you no good in the checkers game. Always play an offensive game in checkers and build a strategy for capturing your opponents rather than defending your own.
- Move your Tokens together: Move your checkers together in the game to keep your tokens from being vulnerable in front of your opponent’s tokens. Create a blockade in the center of the board to protect your tokens from all sides. It will be harder for your opponent to capture your tokens, and if they manage to do so, you will already have a piece waiting for them on the board for the counterattack.
- Know when to let go:Ā Do not put yourself in a vulnerable position, and be ready to sacrifice your checker piece if they do not offer any advantage in the game. However, keep your king safe and away from the opponentās hand. Let go of your token pieces if it helps your opponents to increase their kings on the board.
- Keep the Back Row Full: Your opponents can only make their checkers king when they reach your side of the board. Keep the last row fully occupied to keep your opponent from crowning their pieces frequently. It will also keep your opponentās pieces in a vulnerable position.Ā
- Control the Center: Try to hold the center of the board. Forming a pyramid with your checkers will keep your pieces together and prevent your opponent from direct attacks. They will also face difficulty reaching your side end.Ā
- Focus on Making More and More Kings: Crown as many checkers as you can on the board. Also, keep your enemies from crowning more kings in the game. Keep it as a priority when you want to know how to play checkers. Always choose the right time to crown your king, especially when it does not harm your further moves in the game.
- Keep your Pieces together: The closer your pieces are on the board, the better they can safeguard you from being captured by your opponents on the board. Your enemies can easily jump a solo checker; consider moving your pieces in pairs on the board.Ā
- Create a Blockade for your Opponents: Try to block as many pieces of your opponent as you can on the game board. If all the opponentās pieces are blocked and they cannot make a move, then they will lose the game. Try crowning your checkers more and more in the game and keep your opponents from crowning their tokens in the game.
- Practice more and more: The more you practice the Checkers game rules, the better you will understand how it is played. Try playing with someone who matches your skill level to thrive in challenging situations.Ā
- Learn from a Game Expert: You can always learn from an expert in the game. Watch their gameplay and pick up important pointers and strategies. Pay attention to how expert players handle a situation in the game and learn from them.
Winning Checkers
The first player to capture all opposing checkers from the gameboard wins the game. Block all the opponent checkers and stop them from making any moves on the board to win Checkers.
Checkers Game Variations
Checkers is a widely popular game with numerous regional and international variants. Each game variant has unique checkers rules, board sizes, square divisions, and gameplay. Below is a detailed overview of some of the Checkers game variants.
American Checkers (English Draughts)
This variant of the Checkers game is popular in the United States and Canada. The gameplay is almost similar to the traditional version of the checkers game.
- The board size is an 8×8 grid.
- Pieces: Each player receives 12 pieces per player.
- Pieces can only move diagonally forward until crowned (kinged).
- Kings move one square diagonally in any direction.
- Mandatory captures are enforced.
- Capture all opponent pieces or block them from moving.
International Draughts
This variant of the Checkers game originated in the North United States and was played frequently in the World Draughts Federation Tournaments in multiple countries over the years.
- The board size is made of a 10×10 grid.
- Each player can have 20 per player pieces on the board.
- Pieces move diagonally forward.
- Kings, once crowned, can move any number of squares diagonally in the backward and forward direction of the game.
- Multiple captures are allowed in the game, and the longest capture path must be taken.
- The winning condition is super similar to American Checkers, with added emphasis on strategy due to the larger board.
Russian Checkers
This variant of the game is popular in Russia and the former Soviet Union Countries.
- The board size is 8×8 grid, and each player gets 12 pieces per player.
- Pieces can be captured in a backward direction, while kings can move multiple squares diagonally in both directions.
- Mandatory captures with the longest sequence are required.
- Capture all opponent pieces or block their moves in the game
Brazilian Checkers
This variant of the Checkers game is popular in South America and Brazil. To win, players must capture all opponent pieces or block their moves.
- The board size in the game isĀ
- 8×8 grid.
- Each player gets 12 pieces per player on the board.
- Similar to International Draughts, but played on an 8×8 board.
- Kings move multiple squares diagonally.
- Mandatory captures and the longest sequence are required.
Pool Checkers
This variant of the game is played in the Southeastern United States and is particularly popular among African American Communities. The players must capture opponents’ pieces or block their way to win the game.
- The board size is an 8×8 grid, and each player has 12 pieces.
- The gameplay movements are similar to those of Russian Checkers, with backward captures allowed.
- Kings move multiple squares diagonally.
- Mandatory captures and preference for longest jumps.
Mini Checkers
This variant of the Checkers is popular mainly for educational purposes and casual entertainment games with families and friends. The winning rule is similar to traditional checkers. Block your opponents pieces or capture them all to win the game.
- The board size is smaller than the standard 8×8 board and it is generally 6×6 or 5×5 in the game.
- Each player gets fewer pieces per player, typically 6-8.
- The gameplay is similar to American Checkers but simplified for faster gameplay.
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How is checkers played?
Checkers is played with two players on an 8×8 board with 12 pieces at a time on the board. Players must capture their opponentās pieces or restrict their movement on the board to win the game. Opponents and players can crown any number of pieces on the board. The king can make movements in both directions.
How to play checkers and win?
To win in a game of checkers, you must restrict or block the movement of your opponents or capture all their pieces on the board.
What jumps are allowed in checkers?
Double jumps and single jumps are allowed in the Checkers game when the squares behind the opponentās pieces have a space. You can jump as many times as you can to capture your opponentās token. The maximum jump in checkers is nine.
What jumps are legal in checkers?
As per the checkers game rules, the following jumps are legal. Keep jumping and capturing your opponent’s checkers.
- Regular pieces on the board can only jump diagonally and only in the forward direction.
- Kings can jump diagonally forward and backward one square space.
- Regular pieces and kings can be jumped by both regular pieces and kings.
- You cannot jump your own pieces in the game of checkers.
- Jumping your opponent’s pieces on the board is allowed
How far can a king move in checkers?
In the traditional variants of Checkers, kings can only move one square at a time. However, flying kings can move many spaces at a time in international checkers. Flying kings can move any number of squares in a diagonal direction and from one corner to the farthest corner of the board. In English Draughts, the American checkers can move only a single square space in both directions.
Can a single checker jump a king?
A single checker can jump a king on the checkers board, given that both types of pieces are regular and kings can jump each other in Checkers. Getting one of the checkers to the other side of the board makes a king that can move backward and forward direction.
What are the rules for jumping in checkers?
The Checkers rules for jumping are mentioned below.
- Regular pieces on the board can only jump diagonally and only in the forward direction.
- Kings can jump diagonally forward and backward one square space.
- Regular pieces and kings can be jumped by both regular pieces and kings.
- You cannot jump your pieces in the game of checkers.
What moves are not allowed in checkers?
Some of the illegal moves in the checkers game are mentioned below.
- No illegal moves or jumps are allowed in checkers in the wrong square or backward direction for a regular piece.Ā
- No king piece can jump in and out of the king row after becoming the king.Ā
- Removing a piece that has not been jumped in the game is illegal.
- Removing one of your own pieces in the game is not allowed.Ā
- Jumping your own piece in the game is not allowed.
- Moving out of the turn is illegal in the game.
Can a king in checkers move multiple spaces?
A flying king can move multiple spaces on the board in both directions. However, in the American variant of checkers, kings can only move one square in both forward and backward directions.
Is checkers easier than chess?
Yes, playing checkers is easier than playing chess on the 8×8 board. The Checkers game rules are easier to understand with only two types of pieces on the board i,e. King and regular checkers. The movements and captures on the board are limited unlike chess where the gameplay and rules are complex for each piece.
How does a king move in checkers?
A King in checkers can move one square space in both directions – Forward or Backward direction. However, a flying king can move any space further in the game in any direction.