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How to Play One Piece Card Game

one piece card game

Are you a One Piece fan looking to play a similar inspired game from the movie? Your wait time is over. One Piece Card game is a trading game inspired by One Piece characters, where you have to battle with your opponent with your leader cards, character cards, and event cards. 

The DON card pays the cost of using any of the above-mentioned cards. Create your crew around your selected leader card, and then attack your opponent with full force. Keep attacking until you win and deliver a finishing blow.

Sounds interesting? Let’s learn the basics of how to play one piece card game.

One Piece Card Game Rules

The Objective

The main objective of the game is to win a battle against the opponent’s leader when they have zero opponent’s life cards remaining in their deck. The number of cards in your opponent’s deck reaches zero. The player whose deck is reduced to zero will lose the game.

Game Setup

There are certain things you will need to know about how to play one-piece card game. Each player in a one piece game must have a starter deck consisting of 61 cards. Each main deck will have one leader card, 10 DON cards, and 50 characters, events, and stages cards.

Playmat is a grounding material that keeps your one-piece cards organized. It is an optional material in the game, but it makes the game more organized and visually appealing. Tokens can help track various abilities and effects in the game after a move. They are also optional in the game.

Below is the complete setup of the One Piece card game, which is necessary to know how to play the game.

  • Shuffle the complete deck and Don deck of cards in the game area.
  • Place the leader card in the leader area face-up in the game.
  • Decide which player goes first using rock, paper, scissors, or any other method. The winner chooses who goes first in the game.
  • As per the official one-piece card game rules, each player draws five cards from the top of the deck and another five cards from the top.
  • Place a number of cards equal to the life value of the leader in the life area. You cannot reorder cards in your life area.
  • Start with the first player and only draw a single DON!! Card on the first turn.

Consider these popular card games for any occasion.

Basic Components of One Piece Card Game

According to the One-Piece TCG rules, there are three major types of cards. Let’s discuss them in detail to understand how to play a one-piece card game with different components.

  • Character Cards: These cards are the main cards in the one-piece game. They offer Cost, Power, Attributes, Effects, Trigger Effects, and more. 
  • Leader Cards: These cards have attack power, effects, attributes, color, card name, type, block symbol, rarity, etc. During battles, the leader card with the higher power wins. Only the same color cards can be added to the leader cards.
  • Event Cards: These cards have special action powers that can be used in the game. It can also change the course of the game. They have immediate effects and features like trigger effects, which can be activated when the leader takes damage. 
  • Stage Cards: These cards provide ongoing benefits during the battle. Once you use stage cards in the game, they stay in the battle and continuously benefit the player. They have special abilities similar to the stage. 
  • DON Cards: These cards are used to make payments for the cost of using a card as per the One Piece TCG rules. You can give these cards to leaders or character cards. 

Important Areas

The first step in playing a one-piece card game is knowing the important areas and arrangement of cards in the game. Let’s understand the complete arrangement of cards in the game.

  • Character Area: This area is where your character cards in the game are placed. It is a collection of 5 character cards that cannot attack on the turn they are played.
  • Leader Area: The second place is for the leader, where a single selected card is placed. The leader remains face up from the start of the game.
  • Stage Area: This place of the game consists of stage cards with a maximum of one card placed at a time.
  • Deck: This is the area where the deck of the cards is supposed to be kept.
  • Trash: This is where the character cards are kept after the defeat or K.O. in the battle, and event cards not yet activated are placed.
  • Cost Area: It is used to keep the DON cards from the deck.
  • DON Deck: This place stores the DON deck in the game.
  • Life: This is the place where cards equal to the life value of your leader are placed face down. When leaders take damage the number of cards decreases in the life area. 

How to Play One Piece Card Game

It is important for players to know the rules to understand how to play one piece trading card game. The one piece card game rules include five important phases.

1. Refresh Phase

This phase accounts for setting all your rested characters as active positions in the game. All your DON cards are returned to your cost area and in the active state by turning them 90 degrees sideways. 

2. Draw Phase

In this phase, you only have to draw one card from the top of the deck and add it to their hands. The first player is supposed to skip this step on their first turn.

3. DON!! Phase

In this phase, 2 DON!! Cards are picked from the DON deck and kept in the cost area. They are marked active in the game.

4. Main Phase

The main phase is the most important stage in the one piece card game rules. In this phase, most of the one piece card game actions are complete. Players can perform any combination of the four actions they have left. However, they must follow the combinations with a card, DON!! Cards and use card effects and attack.

Top Three-Player Card Games for Card Game Lovers

Play Cards (Character Cards, Stage Cards, Event Cards)

To play a card, you must put DON cards to rest in the cost area. The number of DON cards you put to rest must be equal to the card’s cost. Character cards are placed above the leader cards, while stage cards are between the leader and the deck. 

Each player can use a single stage card at a time and discard the existing stage card to the trash pile. Characters cannot attack in the first turn, and event cards can immediately be active before being discarded to the trash.

Activate Card Effects

The card effect is used by the character and leader cards, as mentioned in the card text. To activate card effects, you must first satisfy certain conditions. All conditions are listed on the card itself.

Give DON Cards

DON cards can be attached to the leader or another character card to add +1000 power to the attached character. The attached DON cards return to the cost area in a rested position.


This phase marks the beginning of players’ movement toward victory in the One Piece Card game. Players attack their opponents with the aim of reducing their life to zero.

The game now moves toward the End phase, where players have to declare the end of the main phase.

5. End Phase

This marks the end of the player’s turn, which becomes your opponent’s turn.

What are Active and Rested States in the Game?

To learn how to play one piece card game you must know the two major states in the game for character and stage cards. The game must be played normally upright in the active stages. 

After performing an action in the game, such as attacking or blocking, they must be rotated sideways to get into a rested state. This process is called setting it when changing from the rested card to an active state. 

What is the Battle Flow in the Game?

The Battle Flow consists of turns when a player attacks their opponent in the game. Also, it must be noted that the first turn cannot be used to attack in the game. Leaders or characters in the area can attack. 

  • First, rest the active leaders or characters you want to use for attack.
  • Choose the target of the attack.
  • You can attack either the leader or the rested character in the character area.
  • The player being attacked can activate the Blocker Effect of one of their character cards in the area.
  • Activate Counter Effect in the game to increase the power of your leader and one of your characters in the game.
  • You can activate the effect by placing trash on an event card. Compare the power of attacking and defending cards In the game.

How Does Damage Take Place in One Piece Card Game?

To be well aware of how to play one card trading game, it is important to be aware of the damages done by the cards during the battle phase.

  • The attacking card wins only if its power is greater than or equal to the power of the opponent’s card to be attacked. The leader takes 1 damage when they are attacked.
  • When the opponent’s leader has zero life, the attacking player wins the game.
  • When an opponent’s character is attacked, it is placed in the trash area. The game then proceeds to the end phase. 

The damage to leaders in the game, check for the trigger effects in your card in the life area. If you have a card left with the trigger effect then activate the trigger effect instead of adding it to your hand. If you are not choosing to display the trigger effect, then keep the card in your hand without revealing it.

If your leader card takes 2 or more damage due to double attack then the above process can be repeated for every one damage taken by the card. 

How to Win the One Piece Card Game?

If you want to make a big win in the one-piece card game, you must be able to reduce the life of your opponent’s card to zero by attacking their leaders repeatedly in the game. Players will also lose if they have no cards left in the deck. If both the players get defeated at the same time, the game draws instead. 

When your opponents take damage from your attack on their leader and have no more cards left in their life area, then they will lose the game. A player also loses the game if their deck runs out. Hence, as soon as there are zero cards left in the deck, the player will lose.

One Piece Card Game Effects 

There are multiple effects in the game that you can use during different phases of the game. Check the table below to learn more about certain effects in the game.

Field EffectActivated when the Character with this effect is played on the field.
Main Phase EffectCan be activated during your Main Phase.
Turn EffectActivated during your turn.
End Phase EffectActivated during the End Phase of your turn.
Main Phase Event EffectAn Event card effect that can be played during your Main Phase.
Counter Step Event EffectAn Event card effect that can be played during the Counter Step of your opponent’s turn.
Once Per Turn EffectCan be activated only once in a single turn.
DON!! Card EffectActivated when 1 or more DON cards are given to the Character based on the number written in the effect.
Resting DON!! Effect (①)Activated by resting DON card(s) in your cost area, based on the number written in the effect.
Returning DON!! EffectActivated by returning DON card(s) from your field (Leader, Character, and Cost areas) to your DON deck, based on the number written in the effect.
Block EffectActivated during the Block Step, allowing the card to take the place of the Leader or Character being attacked.
Rush EffectAllows a Character to attack on the turn it is played.
Double Damage EffectWhen the Character deals damage to the opponent’s Leader, it deals 2 damage.
Trash Life EffectWhen the Character deals damage to the opponent’s Leader, the Life card is trashed without being activated.

Additional Read: Spoons Card Game—Everything You Need to Know


What are the rules for the deck in One Piece?

As per the One Piece Card Game rules for deck cards, there are a total of 50 cards in the deck which consist of stage cards, event cards and character cards in the game. The Starter Decks can only contain cards of a color in the leader card, other cards of different color cannot be added to the deck. 

How does combat work in a one-piece card game?

The combat in one piece card games starts by forming a crew around the leader card in the game and then attacking your opponent’s crew. Keep attacking until you reduce the life of the opponent’s crew to zero. Deliver a finishing blow to end the game to victory.

What is the One Piece card game like?

The One piece card game consists of character cards, leader cards, event cards, and stage cards. All cards can be powered using the DON cards. Players form a crew around leaders and attack their opponent’s till their life reduce to zero and they win the game.

How many cards do you start with in One Piece?

There are a total of 61 cards to start playing with a one piece card game. There is one leader card, 10 DON!! cards and 50-character cards in the deck. If you want to know how to play one piece card game with these many cards read the complete tutorial.

How do don cards work in One Piece TCG?

The DON cards are used to pay for the other cards, such as Character and Leader cards in the game. These cards gain +1000 power using these DON cards attached to the game. The DON card is lifted from the DON deck and can be used with the other cards.

What is the one piece trading card game?

The One Piece card game is inspired by the One Piece Card Game Series. It consists of character cards inspired by the web series that have certain powers and abilities. To win, players must reduce their opponent’s life value to zero.

What is the Objective of the One Piece Card Game?

The main goal of the One Piece card game is to reduce the life of your opponent’s card to zero. Opponents of the game also lose when they have zero number of cards in the deck.

How do triggers work in a one-piece card game?

The Triggers in the One Piece Card game occur when the leader of your card takes damage from the opponent’s. A card from the life area is added to the player’s hand. 

Vijaya is a seasoned gaming writer with a postgraduate degree from Australia. Her passion for online gaming and interactive storytelling drives her compelling content on real money games, game design and culture. With over 6 years of expertise in online gaming, Vijaya brings a unique perspective to her blogs. When she’s not crafting engaging pieces about the latest trends in real money gaming, you’ll find her binge-watching her favorite web series. Vijaya’s insightful analysis and captivating style make her a trusted voice in the gaming community.

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