How To Play Scorpion Solitaire Card Game: Scorpion Solitaire Rules & Gameplay

Introduction to Scorpion Solitaire

If you believe that Spider Solitaire packs a solid bite, wait until you play Scorpion Solitaire card games and feel the ultimate sting!

Like most solitaire games, the game involves arranging the cards in descending order columns, from King to Ace. You can move any cards in the column if the first card faces up. Subsequently, you place this card (or column of cards) on another column where the bottom card is of a similar suit and one value higher than the first grabbed face-up card.

Though there are several Solitaire variants that you can play, we will focus on the Scorpion Solitaire game in this article. We’ll recommend the game to everyone familiar with Klondike but is seeking more thrills and variations. Though some say that Scorpion Solitaire has more in common with Spider Solitaire, the gameplay style resembles Yukon. Like any worthwhile Solitaire variant, the game is typically a puzzle with a simple objective.

While there are some named variants, such as Three Blind Mince and Wasp Solitaire, this guide will take you through the basic version of the game.

How To Play Scorpion Solitaire?

cards, card game, happiness

Here are all the rules on how to play the Scorpion Solitaire game.

The Objective Of The Game

The objective of the Scorpion Solitaire card game is to arrange all the cards in four columns of descending order from King down to Ace, all of the same suit. You can achieve this by moving sequences of cards within the tableau, trying to reveal hidden cards, and completing the required suit sequences to win the game.

The Different Types Of Piles

In the scorpion solitaire card game, there are two main types of piles:

Tableau Piles: These are the main piles where you play the game. Cards are dealt here in columns, and you can move sequences of cards within these piles.

Stock Pile: This is a small pile of cards set aside that you can use later in the game to help you make more moves.

Setup/Layout of Scorpion Solitaire

We play Scorpion solitaire with a standard deck of fifty-two cards with the Jokers not used in play. While you can also use novelty or custom-created decks to initiate Scorpion Solitaire, play with the standard deck first to understand the concepts of suits and card values.

Once you shuffle the deck, you have to form the tableau by dealing seven columns of cards, each with seven cards, totaling forty-nine. The three remaining cards, known as reserve cards, are kept aside for later use. Except for the first three cards of the first four columns, which are dealt face-down, you’ll deal the cards face-up.

The game is unique because it doesn’t employ a discard pile or use foundations like most others. Instead, what you attempt here is to sequence the tableau piles. Even if that sounds relatively straightforward, Scorpion Solitaire is undoubtedly among the most challenging card games, with many considering it similar to Spider Solitaire 4-suit.

Read More: All About Spider Solitaire 4-Suit

How does Scorpion Solitaire work?

card, joker, deck of cards

Here’s how the scorpion solitaire card game works. Know this to win scorpion solitaire!

Move one (or more) face-up card between tableau piles: You can move any card sequences from atop a pile onto any other where the top card is the same suit as the moved card and is one rank above.

For instance, you can move the three of hearts onto the four of hearts or the queen of clubs onto the king of clubs. It must be of the same suit. You can also move the entire pile that comprises a jack of spades, a ten of spades, a three of clubs, and a king of hearts onto a queen of spades. Also, you can only place kings onto empty piles.

Dealing from the tail: You can deal the final leftover cards to the first three piles. Conventionally, in Scorpion, you can only deal with the tail when you finish your initial moves. However, in some online versions that offer a “Clear completed runs” option, you can deal from the tail at your chosen time, rendering the game somewhat more straightforward.

Turn over a revealed face-down card: Whenever a face-down card is exposed, it needs to be turned face-up. It is an automated feature in the online versions.

Use the “Undo” option as long as you need it: Call it a boon in the virtual version, but the undo button is a blessing in disguise. However, each might count as a new move, so if you’re trying to solve the game in the least number of moves, you should be careful about using updos.

Discard completed runs from the table: In the traditional version, a completed run stays on the table until the game concludes, making the game more challenging as the run needs to be played around. In the virtual/online version, selecting completed runs and moving them to the foundations is automatic. It creates more space on the table, enabling you to create more runs. If you opt for a trickier challenge, you may disable this option.

Read More: All About Klondike Solitaire

Scorpion Solitaire Rules

card game, cards, player

Here are the scorpion solitaire rules you must know, as they are crucial for winning the game.

  • Arrange all cards into four columns, each in descending order from King to Ace of the same suit.

  • Deal 7 columns of cards, with the first 3 columns having 3 face-down cards and 4 face-up cards, and the remaining 4 columns fully face-up.

  • You can move any face-up card or a sequence of cards within a column as long as they are in descending order and of the same suit.

  • When you move a card or sequence, the card beneath becomes face-up and available for play.

  • Use the remaining 3 cards in the stock pile by placing them on the first 3 columns to create more possible moves.

  • You can win scorpion solitaire when all columns contain cards in descending order from King to Ace of the same suit.

Scorpion Solitaire Strategy & Tips

playing, cards, deck

Here are a few tips and tricks that can help you win the scorpion solitaire game.

Reveal The Cards Fast

The game becomes easier to win once all the face-down cards are face-up. Focus on finding sequences of moves that reveal hidden cards. By carefully planning each move, you can uncover more cards, avoid getting stuck, and build the required descending sequences from King to Ace in each column to win the game.

Don’t Simply Fill The Table

Avoid filling empty spaces in the tableau until it’s absolutely necessary in solitaire games. Keeping these spaces open gives you more flexibility to move cards and create sequences. Use them strategically to reveal hidden cards or reposition key cards, making it easier to arrange the required sequences from King to Ace.

Don’t Get Blocked

Scorpion Solitaire can become blocked in two ways. Get yourself familiarized with these patterns to refrain from moving cards into a dead-end scenario:

  1. Reversed Sequence -This is a situation where you have two cards in ascending order atop a card, each ranked one above the card on top, all in a similar suit. For instance, in a four of hearts on top of a three of hearts which is on top of a five of hearts, the three and the four need to be moved before you can place the other in order, the outcome being a deadlock.

  2. “Criss-cross” -This refers to a deadlock that occurs in two piles, such as a nine of spades on the three of diamonds in one pile and the four of diamonds on the ten of spades in the other. Having empty spaces take cards that aren’t kings will allow you to break these impasses.


Is every game of Scorpion solitaire winnable?

Scorpion is essentially a variant of Russian Solitaire. Researchers and experts give a chance of winning Scorpion as one in (eight to) ten, or around 10-12% of the games played. But don’t be bothered by the low winning percentage, as this is amongst the most exciting solitaire games you’ll play.

How to play the scorpion solitaire card game?

To play Scorpion solitaire games, deal cards where there are 7 columns of cards, with some face-up and some face-down. Move face-up cards or sequences within the columns to create descending sequences from King to Ace of the same suit. Use the stock pile for extra moves and win by completing all sequences.

What is the difference between scorpion and spider solitaire?

Scorpion and Spider Solitaire are both card games, but Scorpion allows moving sequences of cards within the tableau, while Spider only allows moving cards of the same suit. Also, in Scorpion, cards can be face-down, whereas in Spider, all cards are face-up and dealt in a different layout.

Is Scorpion Solitaire winnable?

Yes, learning all the necessary tricks and tips, along with the scorpion solitaire rules, can help you out.

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Vijaya Bharti

Vijaya is a seasoned gaming writer with a postgraduate degree from Australia. Her passion for online gaming and interactive storytelling drives her compelling content on real money games, game design and culture. With over 6 years of expertise in online gaming, Vijaya brings a unique perspective to her blogs. When she's not crafting engaging pieces about the latest trends in real money gaming, you'll find her binge-watching her favorite web series. Vijaya's insightful analysis and captivating style make her a trusted voice in the gaming community.

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